When you join The Chef's Table and our loyalty club, you'll receive exclusive access to offers and promotions. Plus, $50 to use on your birthday celebration with friends like the women pictured here.

Join our Club for exclusive offers

Nobody celebrates like Benihana. You’ll receive $30 on your birthday just for signing up.

Step 2

Check your inbox. You’ll be the first to get exclusive offers and discounts.

Step 3

Make a reservation to redeem your $30 birthday reward at your favorite Benihana.

The Chef’s Table

Register for The Chef’s Table and receive the latest Benihana news, special offers and a complimentary $30 Benihana Birthday Certificate during the month of your birthday.

a chef cooking food in a restaurant

Kabuki Kids®

Celebrate your child’s birthday with our exclusive Benihana Kabuki Kids® program, just for kids ages 12 and younger. Members receive a special email certificate for their birthday that entitles them to the free souvenir mug of their choice with the purchase of any Kabuki Kids® meal.

a group of kids wearing chef hats and holding up their hands
A spread of Benihana gift cards on a black background

Share the Benihana Experience

Share the Benihana restaurant experience with your friends and family with Benihana gift cards.

If you wish to purchase a gift card with Braille, you may order one by calling 1 (305) 702-2897. You may also call this number if you have questions about the terms and conditions of our gift cards or any other questions about the use or purchase of gift cards with Braille.

*Gift and promotional cards valid at all locations in the U.S. excluding those labeled as Events Only.